Wednesday, May 16, 2012

2nd Ultrasound

We had our 2nd Ultrasound on May 16th, 2012 which also happened to be my mom's birthday.  Both mother's came along to see this ultrasound.  It is absolutely amazing how big the baby has gotten since the first ultrasound.  In this ultrasound they did a ton of different measurements of the baby to make sure the baby is growing correctly.  The doctor said that the baby was growing correctly and all the organs and brain looked wonderful.  We did find out that I have to be more closely monitored though since they detected that the baby has heart bigeminy.  Heart bigeminy is where the heartrate is irregularlly beating.  In my case the heart beats twices and then pauses and repeats the pattern.  The doctor said not to worry about it that most of the time these things fixes itself and he saids it is very common to see.  But being our first little on the way it is hard not to worry.  We have our follow-up appointment with him in three weeks to look at what is developing. 

As for finding out the gender of the baby that day, Chuck and I decided that we wanted to find out the gender with our close family all together.  So we had the nurse put what the gender of the baby was in an envelope.  We then dropped the envelop off at the bakery and they are going to put what color frosting blue or pink on the inside of the cake.  We will find out the gender on Sat May 19th.  We are so excited!!  I am saying it will be a girl.  Chuck is now thinking that it is a boy after seeing the ultrasound.

The video below is of the ultrasound we couldn't get it to rotate so when you see it, it is sideways:

20 Week Ultra Sound Pictures

Here are the Ultrasound pictures that were taken on 05/16/12: