Monday, June 25, 2012

Follow-up OBGYN Appointment

On June 25, 2012 - We had our weekly scheduled appointment with our OBGYN to monitor the heart rate.  The heart rate was ranging from 135 - 143 which is great!! The doctor said that it sounded really good!  We have a follow-up ultrasound on July 6th and the doctor was going to say to go ahead and cancel it but I guess I can't because the ultrasound doctor wants to recheck where the placenta is.  I guess it is really low so they want to check the positioning of that on July 6th.  So we shall see what happens on that date.  From what I have been reading about a low placenta is that they may have to do a planned C-Section.  Baby Jenks has been extremely active this week kicking me all over the place.  My mom has gotten a kick out of how much he is moving and how strong he is already!!!