Thursday, June 14, 2012

Heart Rate Check-up

On June 14th, 2012 - Since I have been placed on high risk, I have to see some kind of doctor to monitor the baby's heart rate.  Yesterday we went to the OBGYN to see where the heart rate was at.  Chuck and I were both kind of nervous the whole day.  We were both worried about the heart rate dipping even more.  When the doctor put the heart rate monitor on my belly the rate hovered between 83-86 beats per minute.  Then during the heart rate monitoring baby Jenks decided to give a good hard kick.  I think he is sick of people bothering him.  Because right after he kicked the heart rate went back to normal rhythm and went to 153 beats per minute which is normal.  The normal readings in the womb are 110 - 160 beats per minute.  The heart rate stayed there until she was done monitoring the heart rate.  So we don't know exactly what that means, but it was just nice to hear his heart at a normal rate and gave us some hope that this can fix itself on its own.  We will see what the cardiologist makes of this on the 19th when we see him.  We are hoping that the heart rate is still reading at 153 beats per minute and that the arrhythmia has gone away!!!