Tuesday, November 20, 2012

ENT Appointment

On November 20nd, 2012 - We visited the ENT to see what the next step was with Emerson's ears.  The doctor came in and looked into his ears.  He said that the pathway looked great that it was connected all the way through so there was nothing to worry about with that.  He recommended getting the hearing test done again at his office.  The hearing test came back with failed again.  The doctor told us that there is probably fluid in his ears is the reason that he is failing his hearing test.  He recommended that we do a bone conduction test to see if the ear nerves was normal.  So our doctors appointment ended up being very uninformative.  In the end we would have to wait and schedule yet another doctors appointment.  

Follow-up Ear Dr

On November 20th, 2012 - We once again went out to Hinsdale Hospital for our follow-up with the ear doctor.  Chuck and I were praying that he would pass his tests today.  All week before this test we have been "testing" his hearing ourselves, by banging pots and clapping our hands to see if there was a reaction.  Sometimes we got a reaction and sometimes we didn't.  So we both didn't know what to think if he could hear or not.   They performed the two usual hearing tests once again.  He got a big fat FAILED again.  The next step was to see an ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) doctor.  She recommended a pediatrician ENT, but we wouldn't be able to get into see her until December 17th.  There was no way that we could wait that long to see what was going on with our Emerson.  So I found another ENT through Hinsdale Hospital and he could get us in on November 22.  We were so worried about Emerson and his ability to hear.